Ngwaahịa na-ekpo ọkụ

Systems Systems

Nhọrọ dị iche iche nke PTZ networch, AI NVR na ngwa, na-enye arụmọrụ dị iche iche na-ahụ anya na-ahụ anya, ọ na-enye Swir, Lwir Tall na Light Light Light. Nhọrọ siri ike maka sistemụ nche nke gị 24/7 gị na ozi - Ngwa dị oke mkpa na akụrụngwa dị anya.
Security Systems
Kedu nke kacha mma maka gị?
Debera Cameras
Cameras gbachiri
Onye na-enyocha igwefoto
Igwefoto chekwaa
Ngwa mma
Outdoor 4MP 52x Zoom Long Range Multispectral HD Thermal Laser PTZ Network Security Camera

Defender R30 Max

N'èzí 4mp 52x Ziom Ziom ogologo oge HD thermaltal Laser Lociti na ntanetị
Outdoor 4MP 52x Zoom Long Range Bispectral HD Thermal PTZ Network Security Camera With Laser Finder

Defuo P60B

N'èzí 4mp 52x Ziom Ziom One HD Warmal Nchebe PTZ
Outdoor 4MP 52x ZOOM Long Range Bispectral LWIR Thermal Infrared PTZ Network Camera

Defuo P60B

N'èzí 4mp 52x Zoo site na LWIR Walk of the Ttz network
Outdoor 4MP 775mm OIS Long-range Bispectral VGA Thermal  Heavy-duty Positioning Camera

Defender R30

N'èzí 4MP 775mm OI OS LAY - RGA N'ALACALL VGA IWU N'AKA - Iche Iche Iche Iche
Outdoor 4MP 775mm OIS Long-range Laser IR  Heavy-duty Positioning Camera

Defender R30l

N'èzí 4MP 775mm OIS LAY - Gbaa laser Ir dị arọ - igwefoto na-arụ ọrụ
Outdoor 4MP 52x Zoom Long Range Bispectral HD Thermal PTZ Network Security Camera

Defuo P60B

N'èzí 4mp 52x Ziom Ziom na-ebugharị HD Warmal Nchebe Ptz
Outdoor 4MP 52x Zoom Long Range Bispectral HD Thermal PTZ Network Security Camera

Defuo P60C

N'èzí 4mp 52x Ziom Ziom na-ebugharị HD Warmal Nchebe Ptz
Outdoor 4MP 52x Zoom Long Range Bispectral HD Thermal PTZ Network Security Camera

Defuo P60C

N'èzí 4mp 52x Ziom Ziom na-ebugharị HD Warmal Nchebe Ptz
Outdoor 4MP 1200mm Ultra Long-range Multispectral HD 350mm  Thermal High-speed Heavy-duty Positioning Camera

Ichebe P60C

N'èzí 4MP 1200mm ultra dị ogologo - N 'ọtụtụ HD 350mm thermal dị elu - ọsọ ọsọ - igwefoto na-akwụ ụgwọ
Outdoor 4MP 775mm OIS Long-range  Heavy-duty Positioning Camera

Defender R30

N'èzí 4MP 775mm OIS LAY - RAY N'AKA - Ibu Iche Iche
Outdoor 4MP 37x Mid-range Bispectral VGA Thermal   Positioning Camera

Nyochaa R20

N'èzí 4MP 37x etiti - Orderlọ igwefoto VGA dị egwu
Outdoor 4MP 37x Mid-range Bispectral VGA Thermal   Positioning Camera

Nyochaa R20

N'èzí 4MP 37x etiti - Orderlọ igwefoto VGA dị egwu
Outdoor 4MP 50x Mid-range Multispectra VGA Thermal Positioning Camera

Nyochaa P30

N'èzí 4MP 50X etiti - Grata otutu VGA Walmal Igwefoto
Outdoor 5MP 35x Compact Bispectral Thermal  Positioning Camera

Nyochaa T10

N'èzí 5mp 35x kọmpat Igwefoto
Outdoor 4MP 37x Mid-range Laser IR   Positioning Camera

Nyochaa R20L

N'èzí 4MP 37x etiti - Braser laser IR IW
Outdoor 5MP 35x Compact Bispectral Thermal  Mobile PTZ Camera

Nyocha V10

N'èzí 5mp 35x kọmpat International Mobile PTZ
Outdoor 5MP 35x Compact Laser IR  Mobile PTZ Camera

Nyocha V10L

N'èzí 5mp 35x kọmpat laser IR mobile PTZ
Outdoor 5MP 32x Compact Laser IR Positioning Camera

Nyochaa T10l

N'èzí 5mp 32x kọmpat laser ir IR
Outdoor 4MP 37x Mid-range Bispectral VGA Thermography  Positioning Camera

Nyochaa T20

N'èzí 4MP 37x etiti - Orderlọ igwefoto VGA na-akwụ ụgwọ
Outdoor 4MP 37x Mid-range Laser IR  Positioning Camera

Nyochaa T20L

N'èzí 4MP 37x etiti - Braser laser IR IW
Outdoor 5MP Bispectral Thermal Temperature Measurement Bullet Network Security Camera

Onye na-echebe b10m

Igwefoto na-apụ apụ
Outdoor 5MP Bispectral 640 Thermal Bullet Network Security Camera

Onye na-echebe b10m

Outlar 5mpral 640 nke ụlọ ọrụ nchekwa netwọkụ
Outdoor 5MP Bispectral 384 Thermal Bullet Network Security Camera

Onye na-echebe b10m

Outlọ Ọrụ Nchebe Nọ n'èzí 5mp 584
Outdoor 5MP Bispectral Thermal Temperature Measurement Bullet Network Security Camera

Onye na-echebe b10m

Igwefoto na-apụ apụ
Ihe nlere
Security Systems Akwụkwọ data
Security Systems Ntụziaka mmalite mmalite
Security Systems Faịlị ndị ọzọ
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© 2024 Kandanzhou Lee teknụzụ akụkọ C., LTD. Ikike niile echekwabara.
igwefoto zoom , Soom module , Igwefoto zoom Gimbal , Zoom Gimbal , Droom Dranes , Igwefoto zoom drones
Ntọala nzuzo
Jikwaa nkwenye kuki
Iji nye ahụmịhe kachasị mma, anyị na-eji teknụzụ dị ka kuki iji chekwaa na / ma ọ bụ ịnweta ozi ngwaọrụ. Ikwenye na teknụzụ ndị a ga - enyere anyị aka ịhazi data dị ka omume nchọgharị ma ọ bụ NJ pụrụ iche na saịtị a. Anaghị anabata nkwenye ma ọ bụ wepu nkwenye ụfọdụ na ọrụ ụfọdụ.