Toradh teth
Dè an rud as fheàrr dhutsa?
Camarathan bloc
Modalan teirmeach
Camarathan ioma-sgrìobhaiche
Gimbals drone
4MP 1200mm 60x Ultra Long Range Network & MIPI Zoom Camera Module

4mp 12mp 1200mmmmmmm 60x Ultra Lust Lusday Lusad Lusd Lust Lusday Liness & Mipi zoom

Vs - scz4060vib - 8
1 / 1.8 "Starvis 2 cmos, 4mp
20 - 1200mm, 60x zoom
Zoom lions
4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range OIS Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

4Mmp 52x 15 ~ 775mm zoom Ultra Long Ois Modal camara Lìonra Lìonra Ai isP

Vs - scz4052yio - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15 ~ 775MM, 52 × zoom, Ois
4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

4mp 52x 15 ~ 775mm zoom Ultra On Fad Làn-chòmhla Lìonra Lìonra Ai isP IP

Vs - scz4052yie - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15 ~ 775MM, 52 ×0 zoom
50X 6~300mm 4K 8MP UHD Network Long Range Zoom Block Camera Module NDAA Compliant

50X 6 ~ 300mm 4k 8mp uhd Lìon a h-ìre Long Pload Blood Halfle Haljage Halust

Vs - scz8050m - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 8.42 Megapixel
6 ~ 300mm, 50 × zoom
50X 6~300mm 4MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

50X 6 ~ 300mm Lìon a dhèanamh air modal camara long Long

Vs - scz4050mm - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
6 ~ 300mm, 50 × zoom
3MP Global Shutter IP Network 50X Long Range Zoom Camera Module

Lìonra IP Sutter Sutter Stutter UP 50X HUDE ZOLIM ZOLIMOY HATE LOVE

Vs - scz3050m - 8
1 / 1.8 "3.19MT Swegter Global
6 ~ 300mm, 50x zoom
2MP 60x 10~600mm Zoom Long Range Low Light Full Color AI Camera Module

2mp 60x 10 ~ 600mm zoom Long Light Lot Light Poleple Light Ai MODALE CLÀR

Vs - sCZ2060vim - 8
1 / 1.2 "cmos, 8 megapixel
10 ~ 600mm, 60 × zoom
3MP Global Shutter 775mm 52X Long Range Full Color AI ISP OIS Network Zoom Module

Sutter cruinne 3MMM 82X ONTAL LEART LUM OIT AI Isp Ois Lìonra Lìonra Lìonra Lìonra

Vs - sCZ3052NIO - g
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 3.19 Megapixel, Gluais na Cruinne
15 ~ 775MM, 52 ×0 zoom
2MP FHD 57x 15~850mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Low Night Full Color AI ISP Camera Module

2mp fhd 57X 15 ~ 850mm zoom Ultra Olra Long Night House Modal Camara Ai isP

Vs - sCZ2057Vim - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15 ~ 850mm, 57 × gleus
88× 3MP Global Shutter Ultra LONG-RANGE Network Zoom Camera Module

88 × 3m air Shruth Global Ultra fada - Modal camara zoom lìonra

Vs - sCZ3088NM - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
11.3 ~ 1000mm, 88 × zoom
90X 6~540mm 2MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

90x 6 ~ 540mm Strìm Lusad Lusk Madiole Long Long Long

Vs - sCZ2090nm - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 8.42 Megapixel
6 ~ 540mm, 90 × zoom
68X 6~408mm 2MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

68x 6 ~ 408mm 2MP LOGINE CLÀR-GLOW Lusad Long Long Long Lust

Vs - scz2068m - 8
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
6 ~ 408mm, 68 × zoom
Uncooled VOx 640*512 25~225mm Long Range LWIR Network Thermal Camera Module

Vox neo-òrdaichte Vox 640 * 512 25 ~ 225mm Long Lusad Lusal Lusad Lusal Modal Camara TheRMal Lusad

Vs - scm622259HR2 - D.
Neo-fhiosrach 640x512
25 ~ 225mm, 9x zoom
Uncooled VOx 1280*1024 50~350mm 7x Zoom High Definition Network Thermal Camera Module

Vox neo-òrdaichte Vox 1280 * 1024 50 ~ 350mm 7x Modal Camara Cast

Vs - scma3507nr2 - D.
Neo-fhiosrach 1280 × 1024
50 ~ 350mm 7x zoom leantainneach
Uncooled VOx 1280*1024 30~150mm Network LWIR Long Range Thermal Infrared Camera Module

Vox neo-cheangailte Vox 1280 * 1024 30 ~ 150mm Lusad Lowir Lùghdaich Madule camara fo-thalamh

Vs - scma1505hr2 - D.
Neo-chùram 1280x10244
30 ~ 150mm, 5x zoom
1280×1024 30× Zoom SWIR Camera Zoom Lens Module

1280 × 1024 30 × Down Swir Zoom Modal

Vs - miza030nib
1/2 "Retaas
17 ~ 510mm, 30x zoom
2MP 30X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperature Measurement Network Camera Module

2mp 30x Zoom agus 640 * 512 Briseadh Censcer Herctional Hearts Herctional Heeple Homeple Heeple Modal Camara

Vs - sCZ2030na - RT6 - 25
1 / 2.8 "CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sensor faicsinneach
4.7 ~ 141mmm, 30 × zoom
Lionsa ri fhaicinn
Neo-chùramach 640 × 512
Lorgaire Thermal
25mm, allmalized
Lens teirmeach
2MP 30X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

2mp 30x Zoom agus 640 * 512 Modal camara rùintean Caismealaiche Duais Rianail Biscrumal

Vs - sCZ2030na - rv6 - 25
1 / 2.8 "CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sensor faicsinneach
4.7 ~ 141mmm, 30 × zoom
Lionsa ri fhaicinn
Neo-chùramach 640 × 512
Lorgaire Thermal
25mm, allmalized
Lens teirmeach
2MP 35X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperature Measurement Network Camera Module

2mp 35x luchag agus 640 * 512 modal camara reming Heartry Hermalling

Vs - sCZ2035n - RT6 - 25
1/2 "CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sensor faicsinneach
6 ~ 20mm, 35 ×0 ×0
Lionsa ri fhaicinn
Neo-chùramach 640 × 512
Lorgaire Thermal
25mm, allmalized
Lens teirmeach
2MP 35X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

2mp 35x ZOIX agus 640 * 512 Modal camara rùintean

Vs - sCZ2035n - RV6 - 25
1/2 "CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sensor faicsinneach
6 ~ 20mm, 35 ×0 ×0
Lionsa ri fhaicinn
Neo-chùramach 640 × 512
Lorgaire Thermal
25mm, allmalized
Lens teirmeach
50X 6~300mm 4MP & 640*512 25~75mm Thermal Bispectral Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

50X 6 ~ 300mm 4mp & 640 * 512 25 ~ 75Mm ROG MU DHEIREADH CARAST CARALTAS

Vs - scz4050n - 8 - RV60753
1 / 1.8 "CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
Sensor faicsinneach
6 ~ 300mm, 50 × zoom optigeach
Lionsa ri fhaicinn
Neo-chùramach 640 × 512
Lorgaire Thermal
25 ~ 75mm, 3x zoom
Tha less an sin
30X 2MP 3-Axis Stabilization Drone Gimbal Camera

30x 2mp 3 - Stabilization axis Stabilization Gimbal

Vs - uap2030
30x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Trispectral Gimbal Camera

30x 2mp ri fhaicinn 640x512 Teirmeach Ìomhaigh Laser Laser Highter Hightler Highpaly Gimbal

Vs - uap2030 - gv6019 - l15
30x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Bispectral Gimbal Camera

30x 2mp ri fhaicinn 640x512 Teirmeach Imageing BIMPORRY GIMPLEPLAL BIMPALL

Vs - uap2030 - gv6025
10x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Laser Pointer Multi-spectral Gimbal Camera

10x 2mp ri fhaicinn 640x512 Clàr-iùil Oidhche Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Pointer Bimial Camara Gim11

Vs - uap2010 - gv6019 - l15 - p
Liosta RannsachaidhAth-shuidheachadh
Seòrsaichean toraidh
Campaichean teirmeach ro-òrdaichte (LWIRL) Camarathan teirmeach swir Campaichean teirmeach (mwir)
1280 * 1024 640 * 512 256 * 192
50 - 350mm, 7x 25 - 225mm, 9x 30 - 150mm, 5x 25 - 75mm, 3x 17 ~ 510mm, 30x swir 17 - 340mm, 20X SWIR Lions lions swir 90 - 900mm, 10x air a fhuarachadh 20 - 300mm, 15x air a fhuarachadh
Tomhais teòthachd
{{count}}Maidsean thoraidhean
Roghainnean prìobhaideachd
Stiùirich cead cookie
Gus na h-eòlasan as fheàrr a sholarachadh, bidh sinn a 'cleachdadh theicneòlasan mar bhriosgaidean gus fiosrachadh mu inneal a stòradh agus / no faighinn a-steach. Leigidh cead sin de na teicneòlasan sin leinn dàta a phròiseasadh leithid giùlan brobhsaidh no IDan sònraichte air an làrach seo. Gun a bhith a 'ceadachadh no a' toirt cead do chead, faodaidh droch bhuaidh a thoirt air feartan agus gnìomhan sònraichte.
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