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SCZ-K Series Zoom Camera Modules

Hege-prestaasjes zoom-kameramodules mei fokale lingten fariearjend fan 860 mm oant 1200 mm, en biede FHD-, QHD- en UHD-resolúsjes mei rollende en globale sluteropsjes. Untworpen foar tafersjoch op lange-berik, perfekt foar tapassingen lykas kust- en grinsfeiligens yn alle waarsomstannichheden.

SCZ-K Series Zoom Camera Modules
Ultra Long Range dekking
De heechweardige multi-asferyske oanpaste lens biedt oant 1200mm, 80-88x optyske zoom en in heldere maksimale diafragma fan F2.1, makket SCZ-K-searje de perfekte kar foar kamerasystemen dy't grutte gebietsdekking nedich binne.
High Definition Image
Oannimme oant 4K Ultra HD hege prestaasjes 1/1.8 "Sony Starvis CMOS, de SCZ-K-kameramodules presintearje libbendich en skerp byld mei hege dynamyske berik yn sawol tele as breed ein ûnder alle ljochtomstannichheden.
Solid Form Factor
Alle technyske spesifikaasjes fan 'e boppeste tier binne ferpakt yn in solide orizjinele ûntworpen koffer, en garandearret de konsekwint ôfbylding fan hege kwaliteit dy't yn de measte útdaagjende omstannichheden leveret.
Optical Defog
Alle SCZ - K-searjes stypje optyske defogfunksje dy't de treflike sichtberens fan 'e NIR-band brûkt, en kombinearje it mei NIR tawijd filter, ferheegje de sichtberens signifikant yn mistige of mistige sênes.
Hokker is it bêste foar jo?
Kameras blokkearje
Termyske modules
Multispektrale kamera's
Drone Gimbals
4MP 1200mm 60x Ultra Long Range Network & MIPI Zoom Camera Module

4MP 1200mm 60x Ultra Long Range Network & MIPI Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" Starvis 2 CMOS, 4MP
20-1200mm, 60x zoom
Zoom Lens
4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range OIS Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range OIS Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15~775mm, 52× Zoom, OIS
4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

4MP 52x 15~775mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Full Color AI ISP IP Network Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15 ~ 775 mm, 52 × Zoom
50X 6~300mm 4K 8MP UHD Network Long Range Zoom Block Camera Module NDAA Compliant

50X 6 ~ 300mm 4K 8MP UHD Netwurk Long Range Zoom Block Camera Module NDAA-kompatibel

1/1.8" CMOS, 8.42 Megapixel
6 ~ 300 mm, 50 × Zoom
50X 6~300mm 4MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

50X 6 ~ 300mm 4MP Netwurk Long Range Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
6 ~ 300 mm, 50 × Zoom
3MP Global Shutter IP Network 50X Long Range Zoom Camera Module

3MP Global Shutter IP Netwurk 50X Long Range Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" 3.19MP Global Shutter
6 ~ 300 mm, 50x zoom
2MP 60x 10~600mm Zoom Long Range Low Light Full Color AI Camera Module

2MP 60x 10~600mm Zoom Langberik Leech Ljocht Folsleine Kleur AI Kamera Module

1/1.2" CMOS, 8 Megapixel
10 ~ 600 mm, 60 × Zoom
3MP Global Shutter 775mm 52X Long Range Full Color AI ISP OIS Network Zoom Module

3MP Global Shutter 775mm 52X Long Range Full Color AI ISP OIS Network Zoom Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 3.19 Megapixel, Global Shutter
15 ~ 775 mm, 52 × Zoom
2MP FHD 57x 15~850mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Low Night Full Color AI ISP Camera Module

2MP FHD 57x 15~850mm Zoom Ultra Long Range Low Night Full Color AI ISP Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
15 ~ 850 mm, 57 × Zoom
88× 3MP Global Shutter Ultra LONG-RANGE Network Zoom Camera Module

88× 3MP Global Shutter Ultra LONG - RANGE Network Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
11,3 ~ 1000 mm, 88 × Zoom
90X 6~540mm 2MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

90X 6 ~ 540mm 2MP Netwurk Long Range Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 8.42 Megapixel
6 ~ 540 mm, 90 × Zoom
68X 6~408mm 2MP Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

68X 6 ~ 408mm 2MP Netwurk Long Range Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
6~408mm, 68× Zoom
Uncooled VOx 640*512 25~225mm Long Range LWIR Network Thermal Camera Module

Uncooled VOx 640 * 512 25 ~ 225mm Long Range LWIR Network Thermal Camera Module

Unkoele 640x512
25 ~ 225 mm, 9x zoom
Uncooled VOx 1280*1024 50~350mm 7x Zoom High Definition Network Thermal Camera Module

Uncooled VOx 1280 * 1024 50 ~ 350 mm 7x Zoom High Definition Network Thermal Camera Module

Uncooled 1280 × 1024
50 ~ 350 mm 7x Trochrinnende Zoom
Uncooled VOx 1280*1024 30~150mm Network LWIR Long Range Thermal Infrared Camera Module

Uncooled VOx 1280 * 1024 30 ~ 150mm Netwurk LWIR Long Range Thermal Infrared Camera Module

Unkoele 1280x1024
30 ~ 150 mm, 5x zoom
1280×1024 30× Zoom SWIR Camera Zoom Lens Module

1280× 1024 30× Zoom SWIR Camera Zoom Lens Module

1/2" InGaAs
17 ~ 510 mm, 30x zoom
2MP 30X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperature Measurement Network Camera Module

2MP 30X Zoom en 640 * 512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperatuermjitting Network Camera Module

1/2.8" CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sichtbere sensor
4,7 ~ 141 mm, 30 × zoom
Visible Lens
Unkoele 640 × 512
Termyske detektor
25 mm, athermalisearre
Thermyske lens
2MP 30X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

2MP 30X Zoom en 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

1/2.8" CMOS, 2.13 Megapixel
Sichtbere sensor
4,7 ~ 141 mm, 30 × zoom
Visible Lens
Unkoele 640 × 512
Termyske detektor
25 mm, athermalisearre
Thermyske lens
2MP 35X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperature Measurement Network Camera Module

2MP 35X Zoom en 640 * 512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Temperatuer Meting Netwurk Camera Module

1/2" CMOS, 2,13 Megapixel
Sichtbere sensor
6 ~ 210 mm, 35 × zoom
Visible Lens
Unkoele 640 × 512
Termyske detektor
25 mm, athermalisearre
Thermyske lens
2MP 35X Zoom and 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

2MP 35X Zoom en 640*512 Thermal Bispectral Dual Sensor Network Camera Module

1/2" CMOS, 2,13 Megapixel
Sichtbere sensor
6 ~ 210 mm, 35 × zoom
Visible Lens
Unkoele 640 × 512
Termyske detektor
25 mm, athermalisearre
Thermyske lens
50X 6~300mm 4MP & 640*512 25~75mm Thermal Bispectral Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

50X 6~300mm 4MP & 640*512 25~75mm Thermal Bispectral Network Long Range Zoom Camera Module

1/1.8" CMOS, 4.17 Megapixel
Sichtbere sensor
6 ~ 300 mm, 50 × optyske zoom
Visible Lens
Unkoele 640 × 512
Termyske detektor
25 ~ 75 mm, 3x Zoom
Thermal lens
30X 2MP 3-Axis Stabilization Drone Gimbal Camera

30X 2MP 3-Axisstabilisaasje Drone Gimbal Camera

30x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Trispectral Gimbal Camera

30x 2MP sichtbere 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Trispectral Gimbal Camera

30x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Bispectral Gimbal Camera

30x 2MP sichtbere 640x512 Thermal Imaging Bispektrale Gimbal Camera

10x 2MP Visible 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Laser Pointer Multi-spectral Gimbal Camera

10x 2MP sichtbere 640x512 Thermal Imaging Laser Range Finder Laser Pointer Multi-spektrale Gimbal Camera

Sykje ListWeromsette
Produkt Soarten
SCZ-K Series SCZ-800 Series SCZ-600 Series SCZ-300 Series MIPI kamera's NDAA-kamera's
8 MP 4 MP 2 MP 3 MP
Telefoto Focal Length
≥800 mm 500-800 mm 200-500 mm ≤200 mm
OIS AI ISP Global Shutter
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